Michael Sheen Talks to Collider About Why He Loves Playing Aro

Your character in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn is seen as the villain, but he’s really much more complicated, sinister and self-serving than that. How do you perceive that character?

SHEEN: Well, what I love about that character is that I think he’s totally insane. Immortality – living forever – has driven him completely insane, or certainly into an area of sanity that is not really accessible to most people, and yet, part of his insanity is that he thinks that he’s a sentimental, little old lady. He thinks he’s this cuddly grandmother, somehow. In a way, he keeps himself interested in life and people around him by playing this weird game with himself where he role plays and it amuses him to think of himself as being someone who just enjoys watching young people enjoying themselves. He’s like, “Oh, it’s so lovely. I cry at romantic films.” There’s that kind of persona that he has, when actually he just wants to kill people and eat them. It’s this weird game that he plays. So, I love that. There are a lot of places to explore with that. Underneath it is this insane animal, but on the surface is this very sophisticated, cultured, sentimental character. I just think he’s great. I love it!

Do you feel like he always has a personal agenda and that he doesn’t do anything unless it’s self-serving?

SHEEN: Yeah. He’s incredibly intelligent. The viewpoint that he has is from someone who has been alive for centuries upon centuries, and so he sees things in a very different way. He’s a great chess player, in that respect. He’s lots of moves ahead of everyone. It’s all a game that he plays and enjoys. He’s a fascinating character.

Because there’s not a lot of information on Aro, did you get any tips from Stephenie Meyer about playing him?

SHEEN: I took what Stephenie had written, and there was enough there to get my imagination going. There were enough things there to explore. And then, I wanted someone to tell me, “Actually, no, that’s not an area that’s appropriate for this character,” but on the whole, until that happened, I just kept going. Stephenie was always very supportive. I really enjoyed just letting it go and develop, and go further. Thankfully, no one told me to stop.

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Via Collider