Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book in the Twilight series review

When you begin Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book in the Twilight series, it’s hard to imagine that the saga could get any more dramatic. Suppose that in the past two years you’ve not only switched schools and moved halfway across the country, but you’ve also been stalked by two blood-drinkers obsessed with killing you; jumped off a cliff before stopping the love of your life from committing suicide; and started fighting with your BFF because — guess what? — he’s a werewolf...and he’s in love with you. It sounds extreme, but that’s just life for otherwise ordinary Bella Swan — though having vampire Edward Cullen for a boyfriend, and now fiancé, tends to make the adventure worth it.

In fact, at first it seems like things might be actually be calming down for Bella and her immortal soon-to-be-family. Her elaborate wedding goes relatively smoothly—despite the appearance of her well-meaning friend Jacob. And though her island honeymoon gets off to a rocky start, she and Edward are more than certain that their love will get them through anything. Then the impossible happens. [HUGE Spoiler Warning] Bella discovers she’s pregnant, and not just with an ordinary human baby, but with a half-vampire, half-human child. Bella’s frightening pregnancy and much-anticipated transformation into a vampire are complex enough, but when suspicious Volturi rulers arrive bent on destroying the gifted baby, the Cullens must join with vampire and werewolf allies alike to make their family safe, whatever the cost.

This book is probably the most emotional of the series. With the lives of dozens of other vampires in danger (you’ll definitely need the list provided at the back of the book to keep track of all the new characters), the stakes are higher than ever. It’s easy to understand the motives for the sacrifices the characters are forced to make, and the plot twists and constant action will definitely keep you up late flipping all 756 pages. Besides, despite the danger, the book isn’t always serious. Emmett has plenty of irritating-big-brother jokes at the newlyweds’ expense, and it’s fun to see Bella finally be able to kick some butt as a “newborn.”

Of course, the intense love story is still enough to make you wish for an impossibly gorgeous, brooding, romantic vampire of your own. There are more than a few swoon-worthy scenes to make you weak in the knees, and it’s clearer than ever that in spite of the odds, Edward and Bella are destined to be together. Jacob-lovers still have lots to cheer for, though. Not only are there—literally—hundreds of pages told from his hilarious point of view, you’ll also get one of the novel’s biggest shocks when he finally imprints…and that particular jaw-dropper is way too good to spoil.

Author Stephenie Meyer incorporates plenty of catch-ups from Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse plots, so it’s easy to dive straight into the characters and action even if Breaking Dawn is your introduction to her world. Yes, it’s sad to see Bella’s story come to a close, but with December’s Twilight movie, further series spin-offs, and a guide to the saga planned, there is still tons for Twilighters to anticipate. Though it might be last book in the official saga, with all the romance and adventure we have to look forward to, it kind of feels like Breaking Dawn is just the beginning.

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