Stephenie Meyer Talks ‘Breaking Dawn,’ Upcoming Books and more With USA Today

Last Friday and Saturday Stephenie Meyer chatted with 10 very lucky fans in Vancouver. She discussed the Breaking Dawn movies, the illustrated guide, the end of the saga and more. Here is an excerpt:
On the illustrated guide:
“My favorite part is the vampire histories. There’s a lot there that’s new. Alice’s (Cullen) back story is one no one has known until now. And I think fans will be surprised at how much fun (Cullen nemesis) Victoria’s story is.”
On whether she’ll ever write more books about Edward and Bella:
“The story’s already been told, and I doubt I’ll ever write another series based on the same characters.”
On the possibility she’d ever finish Midnight Sun, a Twilightnovel told from Edward’s viewpoint that she nixed when parts of it were leaked online in 2008:
“I’m hoping to do it someday because I know that’s what people want. No matter what book I put out from here to eternity they’ll want Midnight Sun, but I’m just not writing about vampires right now.”
One question she won’t answer: whether the werewolf/shape shifter Jacob and Renesmee, the human/vampire hybrid child of Edward and Bella, could ever have children. (Jacob is a teenager, but baby Renesmee is aging at an accelerated rate.)
“That is a question I’m reserving the right not to answer, because there is a chance I’ll go back to their story.”
On the filming of the birth of Bella and Edward’s baby, Renesmee, which in the novel is frightening and horrific, she says:
“I’ve only seen a rough cut and there are pieces missing, but I don’t feel like it’s graphic. You’re not seeing it, but you know what’s happened. It’s emotional. It doesn’t feel horror-ish. There’s blood, probably the most blood we’ve ever seen in the series. But everything’s in flux; we’ll see in the final cut.”
Read the entire interview at USA Today here!